Oct 7, 2016


The fall season is a wonderful season in Michigan. The beauty of the leaves changing colors gets a lot of people on the road going on color tours. Everyone has their favorite drive that they like to take during this time. No matter where you go, there is something wonderful to see.

What is great about the state of Michigan and its fall color is that there is usually a week or two between adjacent shoreline and inland areas so you can see the colors peak as you travel. For instance, in the Traverse City area, you can see peak color for almost three weeks in a row with the inland areas changing colors first and then traveling out to the Old Mission Peninsula.

Click here for some of the best color tours provided by Michigan.org.

Where is your favorite place to go on a color tour? We would love to hear your suggestions! Also, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about getting your vehicle ready for your fall excursions.  Our Service Departments would be happy to take a look at your car and provide any necessary repairs you may need before heading out on the road.