May 19, 2017

It’s starting to get warmer out and you know what that means…it’s time to start planning your perfect Michigan summer road trip! No matter which way you turn you are bound to run in to some beautiful nature here in Michigan! Here are some tips and tricks to make your road trip a little sweeter-

  1. Have your vehicle inspected before you leave. It’s everyone’s worst nightmare….you’re in-between towns on a long trip and all of a sudden you start having vehicle problems. Prevent this nightmare from occurring by bring your vehicle in for an oil change and complimentary inspection the week before you leave. Already up to date on your oil change? Stop by for a FREE inspection to make sure that everything is good to go!
  2. Map out your trip. We don’t just mean on your phone either! This is a great way to involve all of the members of your family- pick up a paper map and choose your beginning and end points. Take a look at your route and let everyone pick out one thing on the way that they find interesting. This is a great way to make sure that everyone has a fun time!
  3. Make a plan for food and sleeping accommodations. Now that you have your route and points of interest it’s time to plan out food and sleeping accommodations. Eating out for every meal can get tiring (and expensive!). Is one of your points of interest a good spot for a picnic? Place a cooler in your trunk with sandwich supplies and some fresh fruit. Don’t forget about the car snacks either!
  4. Pack up the car.  The time has finally come…it’s time to pack up the car and get on the road! Make sure that everyone has enough space to be comfortable and that there are car-friendly activities to keep little ones occupied. Drinks and snacks should be readily available as well as a small trash bag to keep the car tidy.
  5. Have fun! Take this time to enjoy being with your family and take in all that Michigan has to offer!

From all of us here at Thelen Auto Group we hope that you have an amazing Michigan road trip this summer! Whether your checking out the Cherry Festival in Traverse City or if you’re enjoying the cool waves of Lake Superior we are sure that you will make memories that last a lifetime.