Feb 15, 2023
How to Maximize Your Vehicle's Trade-In Value - Thelen VW in Bay City, MI

Getting Your Vehicle Trade-In Ready in Mid-Michigan

Trading in your existing vehicle towards the payment of a new Volkswagen is a great way to make an already accessible brand even more so. At Thelen VW in Bay City, MI, we want to help make sure you are getting the most value out of your trade-in. We have several go-to tips that we like to offer when helping customers get their vehicles ready for the trading process. If you are ready to cruise mid-Michigan behind the wheel of a versatile and entertaining new Volkswagen model, let Thelen Volkswagen get you into the vehicle of your dreams!

Tips for Maximizing Trade-In Value

Do a Thorough Cleaning – The more clean and presentable the vehicle you are trying to trade in looks, the more we can offer you in value. This is because we won’t have to spend as much time and financial resources to get the vehicle ready for resale. Don’t forget the interior of the vehicle too. A good vacuuming and a complete look around for personal items you don’t want to be left behind are highly encouraged right before you bring the vehicle in for trading. 

Maintenance & Repairs – If you haven’t had your vehicle in for a routine maintenance appointment recently before you bring it to trade in, it might be worth the cost to have a qualified technician do so. They can make sure your vehicle is in the best condition possible so that when you bring it to us, we can increase the amount of trade-in value you receive. This can also help catch any potential issues that could drastically reduce the value. 

Important Documentation – Having a complete set of important vehicle documents is a great way to improve the overall value as well. A customer who is interested in purchasing your vehicle will appreciate having as much information about it as possible. Owner’s manuals, service reports, and other documents you feel detail the history of your vehicle accurately should be included when you bring it in for trading. 

(Photo Credit: Pexels)